Author Guidelines

Materials for publication are submitted in two ways.
Way 1. Submission of the manuscript by filling out a special form on this page.

Way 2. Submission of the manuscript in the form of a text document MS Word 2003-2010 in the format *.doc or *.docx.
• Materials are accepted at: We recommend using the template for the manuscript. it can be downloaded at the link below.

Download the template of the manuscript (*.doc-file)

• The electronic version of the manuscript should have the following parameters: MS Word 2003-2010 text document in *.doc or *.docx format. The name of the manuscript file is given by the name of the first author.
• Sheet format 17 x 24 cm (defined in the menu File / Page Setup / Paper Size); all fields are 1.5 cm each; font Times New Roman, font size of the main text 10 points, alignment of the text width, single line spacing, indent (red line) 0.5 cm, font size in tables — 8 points (not less).

General guidelines for manuscript
• Languages of publication: Russian, English. For Russian-language articles, the translation of the abstract and keywords should be made using the special terms and following the rules of transliteration into English used in English literature.
• The title of the article should be concise and accurately reflect the issue raised. Words of titles are used as a key in various information systems. It is advisable to give the names of the organisms in the title in Latin, in full (genus, species) and indicate belonging to taxa of high rank.
• An abstract should reflect the purpose of the work, its results and conclusions. Recommended size — at least 250 words. Smaller annotations may be in articles on floristic records, in brief messages, and in agreement with the Editorial Board. For Russian-language articles, the abstract is translated into English.
• Keywords in Russian-language articles — at least 3 and no more than 8 — must be translated into English.
• Footnotes should be provided only with end-to-end automatic numbering. Only standard abbreviations are permissible.
• For a set of formulas, you should use the MS Equation 3.0 formula editor (menu items: insert – object – create – MS Equation) with the sizes recommended by default (normal — 10 pt, large index — 7 pt, small index — 5 pt, large character — 12 pt, small symbol — 10 pt). Formulas embedded as an image are not allowed. All Russian and Greek letters in the formulas must be typed in direct font. Designations of standard functions (sin, cos, tg, etc.) — in a direct font. Latin letters in italics. A decimal point is a comma.
• When a taxon is first mentioned, its full Latin name (genus name and species epithet) should be given with the author. Latin names of species and genera should be in italics (for example, Adonis vernalis L.). If the article gives a general indication of the nomenclature source, nomenclature citations for species can be omitted.
• Tables are arranged in the text as they are mentioned. The inscription «Table» indicating the number is aligned to the right. Tables should have thematic headings (font 8 points, center alignment). In Russian-language articles, table names are given in Russian and English. Notes are given below the table.
• Any illustrations (diagrams, maps, photographs, etc.) are designated as figures. They are located in the text as they are mentioned, numbered and should have thematic headings (font 8 points). Illustrations embedded in the text should be made in one of the standard formats (TIFF, JPEG, BMP, PNG, etc.) with a resolution of at least 300 dpi (preferably 600 dpi). Pictures are embedded in the text at a scale of 1:1 through the option «Insert / Picture / From File» with flow «in the text» with alignment to the center of the page without indentation. Other insertion and flow technologies are not recommended. It is also necessary to present the initial versions of schemes, diagrams, graphs in the format of a graphical editor.
• References in the text indicating the authors and the year of publication are given in parentheses in Latin (transliterated). At the end of the article, a list of used literature is indicated alphabetically.
Initials are separated by spaces.

General arrangement of parts of the article
1. Number of Universal decimal classification (UDK) (left alignment, 10 points). The font is regular.
2. The title of the article in Russian (bold, all uppercase letters, center alignment, 11 points) — only for Russian-language articles.
3. Initials, surname of the author (s) in English (bold, center alignment, 10 points).
4. Initials, last name of the author (s) in Russian (bold, center alignment, 10 points) — only for Russian-language articles.
5. The title of the article in English (regular font, uppercase and lowercase letters, center alignment, 10 points).
6. Name of institution (s) and its address: zip code, country, city, street, house, phone (with country and city codes), e-mail (center alignment, normal font, italics, 8 points).
7. Annotation in Russian (normal font, justified, 8 points) — only for Russian-language articles.
8. Keywords in Russian (regular font, justification, 8 points) — only for Russian-language articles.
9. Abstract in English (regular font, justified, 8 points).
10. Keywords in English (regular font, justification, 8 points).
11. The text of the article (alignment in width, 10 points). It is recommended to structure the articles into the following sections: “Introduction”, “Materials and Methods”, “Results and Discussion”, “Conclusion”, etc. The title of each section begins with a new line. Section names are shown in bold, 10 points.
12. Acknowledgments or an indication of the sources of financial support (italics, alignment, 10 points).
13. References (alignment in width, 8 points).

References (Список литературы)
The list of references to the article should contain all citations and references cited in the text. It is formed in alphabetical order in accordance with the Latin transcription of the authors surnames or the title of the work (in the absence of authors). Before each literary source in square brackets is placed the transliterated surname of the author (if he is one), the first author with the mark «et al.» (if there are more than two authors), two authors (if there are two), or the first word from the title of the work with ellipsis (if the authors are not indicated). The works of one author are arranged in chronological sequence. The works of one author, published in one year, — in the alphabetical order of their names. Below is an example of a list of literature, including bibliographic descriptions of books and monographs, articles in journals and collections, dissertations, electronic publications.

The list of references in English (References)
The list is formed in the same order as in Russian. All the names of the works and the names of the authors are transliterated in accordance with the requirements of international scientometric databases in the LC format. We recommend using a special service on the website
After the transliterated title of the work, the translation of the title of the work into English is placed in square brackets.
The names of periodicals in Cyrillic languages ​​are transliterated. Then the translation into English is given in square brackets. The names of the collections in Cyrillic languages ​​are only transliterated.
The names of the place of exit are given completely without abbreviations, for example, Bryansk, Moscow, Leningrad. Surnames and initials of authors are in italics.

We recommend that literary sources provide links to accessible Internet resources that are highlighted in italics.

Example of a reference list

Cписок литературы

[Akatov et al.] Акатов В. В., Акатова Т. В., Грабенко Е. А. 2014. Изменения верхней границы распространения акации белой и клёна ясенелистного в долине реки Белая (Западный Кавказ) // Лесоведение. № 1. С. 21–33.

[Alekhin] Алехин В. В. 1944. География растений. 2-е изд. М. С. 134–135.

[Braslavskaya] Браславская Т. Ю. 2007. Мозаичность и функциональная организация растительного покрова в облесенном пойменном ландшафте // Актуальные проблемы геоботаники. III Всероссийская школа-конференция. I ч. Петрозаводск. С. 81–85.

Braun-Blanquet J. 1964. Pflanzensoziologie. Wien; New-York. 865 S.

[Dyatlov] Дятлов В. В. 2007. Структура популяций дуба черешчатого (Quercus robur L.) в пойменных лесах подзон южной тайги и подтайги: на примере Костромской области. Дис. … канд. биол. наук. Кострома. 242 с.

[Gryuner, Kuleshova] Грюнер Л. А., Кулешова О. В. 2018. Актуальные направления селекции и новые элитные формы ежевики генофонда ВНИИСПК // Современное садоводство. № 3 (27). URL: Дата обращения: 17.03.2020.

Mucina L., Bültmann H., Dierßen K., Theurillat J.-P., Raus T., Čarni A., Šumberová K., Willner W., Dengler J., García R. G., Chytrý M., Hájek M., Di Pietro R., Iakushenko D., Pallas J., Daniëls F. J. A., Bergmeier E., Santos-Guerra A., Ermakov N., Valachovič M., Schaminée J. H. J., Lysenko T., Didukh Ya. P., Pignatti S., Rodwell J. S., Capelo J., Weber H. E., Solomeshch A., Dimopoulos P., Aguiar C., Hennekens S. M., Tichý L. 2016. Vegetation of Europe: hierarchical floristic classification system of vascular plant, bryophyte, lichen, and algal communities // Appl. Veg. Sci. Vol. 19. Suppl. 1. P. 3–264.



Akatov V. V., Akatova T. V., Grabenko E. A. 2014. Izmeneniia verkhnei granitsy rasprostraneniia akatsii beloi i klena iasenelistnogo v doline reki Belaia (Zapadnyi Kavkaz) [Changes in the upper boundary of the distribution of white acacia and ash maple in the Belaya river valley (Western Caucasus)] // Russian Journal of Forest Science [Lesovedenie]. N 1. P. 21–33. (In Russian)

Alekhin V. V. 1944. Geografia rastenii [Geography of plants]. 2nd ed. Moscow. P. 134–135. (In Russian)

Braslavskaya T. Yu. 2007. Mozaichnost’ i funktsional’naya organizatsiya rastitel’nogo pokrova v oblesennom poimennom landshafte [Mosaic and functional organization of vegetation in a forested floodplain landscape] // Aktual’nye problemy geobotaniki. III Vserossiiskaya shkola-konferentsiya. I part. Petrozavodsk. P. 81–85. (In Russian)

Braun-Blanquet J. 1964. Pflanzensoziologie. Wien; New-York. 865 S.

Dyatlov V. V. 2006. Polivariantnost’ struktury osobei Quercus robur L. v usloviyakh fitotsenozov rechnykh poim nekotorykh raionov Kostromskoi oblasti [Polyvariance of the structure of individuals of Quercus robur L. under phytocoenoses of river floodplains in some areas of the Kostroma Region] // Herald of the Kostroma State University named after N. A. Nekrasov. № 4. T. 12. P. 11–15. (In Russian)

Gruner L. A., Kuleshova O. V. 2018. Current trends in breeding and new elite forms of blackberry gene pool VNIISPK [Aktual’nye napravleniia selektsii i novye elitnye formy ezheviki genofonda VNIISPK] // Sovremennoe sadovodstvo [Modern gardening]. N 3 (27). URL: Date of access: 03.17.2020. (In Russian)

Mucina L., Bültmann H., Dierßen K., Theurillat J.-P., Raus T., Čarni A., Šumberová K., Willner W., Dengler J., García R. G., Chytrý M., Hájek M., Di Pietro R., Iakushenko D., Pallas J., Daniëls F. J. A., Bergmeier E., Santos-Guerra A., Ermakov N., Valachovič M., Schaminée J. H. J., Lysenko T., Didukh Ya. P., Pignatti S., Rodwell J. S., Capelo J., Weber H. E., Solomeshch A., Dimopoulos P., Aguiar C., Hennekens S. M., Tichý L. 2016. Vegetation of Europe: hierarchical floristic classification system of vascular plant, bryophyte, lichen, and algal communities // Appl. Veg. Sci. Vol. 19. Suppl. 1. P. 3–264.


Publication for authors is free.

Manuscripts submitted to edition are drawn up by the authors in accordance with the accepted rules. Taking into account the versatility of botanical research, we welcome both theoretical review and discussion articles of a larger volume, as well as small reports, including notes on floristic records.
Materials submitted to edition cannot be published earlier in other publications (publishers) or simultaneously sent to other publications (publishers) for publication.